Gran Canaria Desktop Summit Teaser contest
Madrid, 10th Jun 2009
Onírica has launched a teaser contest for promoting Gran Canaria Desktop Summit. Anyone can participate uploading a video promoting GDS, GUADEC 2009 or Akademy 2009.
Rules are simple:
- Create a video promoting Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, GUADEC 2009 or Akademy 2009
- Upload it to a public video site
- You can blog about it, but make sure that you send an email to
- You can submit any number of videos until 26th June 00:00 GMT
- In 27th the jury (composed by Onirica employees and two semi-professional movie-makers) we'll announce the winner
- The prize for the winner is 100 EUR to be spent on amazon items
Here is a selection of Teasers: